The Secret Fire



In the midst of the vast, windswept Texas plains stands a ranch wrested from the wilderness with blood, sweat and tears. It is the shining legacy of Thomas McBride to his five living heirs. But along with the fertile acres and herds of cattle, each will inherit a history of scandal, lies and hidden lust that threatens to burn out of control.


1. "The Wild One" von Elaine Barbieri

ISBN: 0-843-94826-4

Erschienen: 2001 bei Leisure Historical Romance


Young Callie is bent on revenge against the bank robbers who killed her brother. Disguised as a saloon singer, she seduces Tanner McBride, who was involved with the robbery and who has recently returned to town after a long absence. But Tanner is no callous murderer. He is a sensitive yet strong man haunted by numerous demons. The two fall in love. But when Tanner's ex-partner in crime shows up, Callie's life is endangered.



2. "The Half-Breed" von Bobbi Smith

ISBN: 0-843 94853-1

Erschienen:  2001  bei Leisure Historical Romance


Chase knows he has no legitimate claim to the Circle M. After all, his father made it painfully clear he wants nothing to do with his bastard son or the Comanche girl he once took to his bed. But Chase has his own reasons for answering Tom McBride's deathbed summons. He has a job to do as a Texas Ranger, and a woman to protect—a woman whose sweet innocence gives him new faith that love born in the darkest night can face the dawn of all his tomorrows.



3. "Wenn stolze Herzen sich begegnen" von Constance O'Banyon

ISBN: 0-404-18647-8

Erschienen:  2003 bei Bastei Lübbe / Original: 2001


Als Lauren McBride ihr Zuhause verlässt, ist sie ein fünfzehnjähriges Mädchen. Als sie vier Jahre später zurückkehrt, ist sie eine Lady: schön, selbstbewusst und mit eigenem Kopf. Das Letzte, was sie will, ist eine von ihrem Vater arrangierte Ehe, um eine alte Familienfehde zu kitten. Und schon gar nicht will sie Garret Lassiter heiraten, der ihr schon einmal das Herz gebrochen hat und den sie insgeheim immer noch liebt. Noch weiß sie nicht, dass Garret schon seit Jahren die gleichen leidenschaftlichen Gefühle für sie hegt ...


Meine Meinung zu dem Buch finden ihr hier.



4. "The Loner" von Evelyn Rogers

ISBN: 0-843-94880-9

Erschienen: 2004  bei Leisure Historical Romance


As first born, Stone had always tried to do the right thing, but that hadn't stopped his brother and sister from turning on him. And it hadn't kept the woman he loved from turning him down. In the years since, Stone had learned to go it alone; a gambler was better off that way. He'd returned to the Circle M for the money promised in his father's will, not for the family he'd once fought to protect, and certainly not for the vulnerable beauty his heart could never forget.



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